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The Letters are the primary and most important source to become acquainted with Padre Pio. There are four volumes of his letters. The first volume contains his correspondence with his spiritual directors, and is the best work to come to know his extraordinary mystical life. The second volume contains the corrispondence that Padre Pio had with Raffaelina Cerase, a noblewoman of Foggia. The third and fourth volume contains his correspondence with his spiritual children, with friars, bishops, superiors, priests and friends. The correspondence, as well as giving insights into his personality, gives us an intimate close-up of his direction of souls.

Padre Pio to Padre Benedetto, June 1913

My dear Father,
May the grace of Jesus always be with us. How am I going to make myself understood in what I have to tell you? I feel the need to humble myself before the Lord and to ask him, if he will, to guide my hand himself and give me the grace to succeed in telling you something of the great marvels which his mercy reveals to my soul.

Complete Letter
Padre Pio to Raffaelina Cerase, 25 Oct. 1914

Beloved daughter of Jesus,
May the grace of Jesus always be with you and with all those who love Him with a pure heart. May God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ give you peace and love with lively faith.
The announcement has been confirmed by the facts, thank God. Your letter of the 21st has arrived. As I read it I cannot restrain my tears at the sad news it brings me. I am resigned, however, and I give thanks to the Lord, knowing that his illness is willed by Jesus, not as a punishment but for the sanctification of your soul.

Complete Letter